CLC - Carpathian Logistics Congress

Conference Proceedings - CLC 2022

10th Carpathial Logistics Congress
June 15 - 17, 2022 / Hotel Pod Zámkom, Bojnice, Slovakia, EU
ISSN: 2694-9318
ISBN: 978-80-88365-08-2
Proceedings of the conference have been sent to Web of Science and Scopus for evaluation and potential indexing.

The 10th Carpathian Logistics Congress CLC 2022 took place in Bojnice on June 15 - 17, 2022. Almost 70 participants from 7 countries listened to 22 lectures and viewed 31 posters. After a two-year break caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the congress could take place this year in the traditional format again.

The congress was organized under the patronage of the General Director of the Water Transport Section of the MDV SR Ing. Tomas Kalina, PhD.

The conference was opened by Assoc. Professor Sheng Teng Huang from the College of Maritime Science and Management, National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU). He dedicated his lecture to exploring resilient solutions through facilitating intelligent port digital transformation in post pandemic world. The second plenary lecture was given online by Dr. Diana Sánchez-Partida from Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP) in Mexico. The lecture dealt with the disaster risk reduction in Mexico: the most frequent natural disasters and their tendency in mexico from a perspective based on humanitarian logistics. The last plenary lecture of the CLC 2022 congress was given by Ing. Peter Mesarč, country manager at Bolt Market Slovakia. Ing. Mesarč introduced speed as a key element of competitive advantage in logistic flows.

However, the thematic scope of the lectures at the conference was traditionally much broader. Researchers presented innovations not only in strategic, production and business logistics, supply chains and networks, distribution and transport, but also in quality management and risk management.

The prize for the best poster has been awarded to HRUDKAY Karol, MADLEŇÁKOVÁ Lucia, ČULÍK Kristián, MORGOŠ Ján from University of Žilina, Slovakia. In their work, they showed the City Logistics in the Centre of a Slovak County Town.

The next 11th CLC congress will take place on September 20 - 22, 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic. The congress will be under patronage of the ŠKODA logistika.

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ELÇİ Tuğçe Borusan Logistics, Data and Artificial Intelligence Services, Istanbul, Turkey, EU,,,
Co-authors: KANTAR Deniz TÜRKER Ahmet Yesevi GÜNEY Hasan
Abstract: The characteristics of land are important for network optimization problems in logistics. Due to its large area and atypical geographical type, Turkey is good for testing and implementing network optimization in the European logistics sector. [..] Read more
PAWLICZEK Adam Moravian Business College Olomouc, Czech Republic, EU,,
Co-authors: CHYTILOVÁ Ekaterina KOLOŠ Pavel KOLUMBER Štefan
Abstract: Usual levels of logistics services provided, and their characteristic features are defined the in the paper. The main goal of this paper is to describe the current state of application of logistics services outsourcing in the Czech Republic, find specifics about their quality control and recommend suggestions for improvement. [..] Read more
KONEČNÝ Michal Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, Faculty of Corporate Strategy, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, EU,,
Co-authors: VILÁGI Róbert KOSTIUK Yaroslava POLLÁK František
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the fact that the issue of courier, delivery and shipping companies, or the entire logistics chain associated with online shopping, is viewed in a completely different way than it was before the pandemic crisis. Under the pressure of circumstances, more and more small and medium-sized businesses are starting to sell online. [..] Read more
KOZINA Andrzej Cracow University of Economics, Poland, EU,,
Co-authors: MAŁKUS Tomasz
Abstract: Integrating the cooperation of enterprises in supply chain is distinguished among the key factors enabling the achievement of competitive advantage and increasing performance effectiveness. In the supply chain, suppliers (of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, parts), manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, as well as providers of specialized logistics services cooperate with each other. [..] Read more
MALČIC Tomáš ŠKODA AUTO University, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic, EU,
Abstract: This article presents the study of the current state of art in the field of application of technology of an autonomous forklift for loading and unloading trucks. The ever increasing need for automatization and robotization of logistics processes in the automotive industry exceeds from inhouse manipulation to various areas of logistics. [..] Read more
BULÍČEK Josef University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU,,
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Abstract: The paper is focused on interchange nodes between trains and regional buses. Sometimes it is necessary to use railway station and bus terminal located at different positions in the municipality. [..] Read more
CHOCHOLÁČ Jan University of Pardubice, Faculty of Transport Engineering, Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU,,,
Abstract: The issue of distribution logistics including all sub-processes is very topical. E-commerce experiencing a great expansion every year, which has been exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic. [..] Read more
DEDÍK Milan University of Žilina, Žilina, Slovakia, EU,
Co-authors: BULKOVÁ Zdenka GAŠPARÍK Jozef KAMPF Rudolf
Abstract: The relationship between logistics and transport is very close, as transport ensures the physical movement of the product from the place of production to the place of consumption. Transport is a significant factor of time, it is the bearer of the speed and reliability of product relocation, it is one of the most important elements of the logistics system. [..] Read more
JAROŠOVÁ Miriam Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, Žilina, Slovakia, EU,
Abstract: The weather can easily affect human activities. Therefore, it is very important to plan our activities so that the weather does not affect the safety of them. [..] Read more
JELEŃ Łukasz Wroclaw University of Technology, Department of Computer Engineering, Wroclaw, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: KARKULA Marek OLEARCZUK Dariusz
Abstract: Increasing the efficiency of processes in warehouse facilities is now required in every industry. One of the important decision-making problems is the proper utilization of storage space. [..] Read more
MATISKOVÁ Darina Technical University of Košice, Fakulty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Prešov, Prešov, Slovakia, EU,,,
Co-authors: BALOG Michal KOVBASIUK Kateryna
Abstract: The paper deals with the quality and logistics of transport services provided during a two-year pandemic period. It sets out key evaluation indicators when choosing delivery transport services. [..] Read more
MONDEK Norbert University of Pardubice, Jan Perner Transport Faculty, Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU,
Abstract: Road bypasses of cities are built primarily for the purpose of detouring transit traffic from cities to their periphery. Urban roads are then released and used primarily by traffic flows with origin or destination in the city and inner-city individual and public transport. [..] Read more
NAUMOV Vitalii Cracow University of Technology, Kraków, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: VASIUTINA Hanna
Abstract: The paper presents an approach and corresponding software to model demand for transport services on the grounds of the requests flow model. The authors propose the models of demand simulation for different types of transport systems – a freight forwarding company, a public transport network, and a parking lot. [..] Read more
ŽIDOVÁ Zuzana University of Zilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Žilina, Slovakia, EU,,,
Co-authors: ZITRICKÝ Vladislav KLAPITA Vladimír
Abstract: In Europe, intermodal transport is an indispensable element of transport policy, mainly because of the reduction of the negative effects of road transport on the environment, fuel and energy consumption, highway and road maintenance costs, land take and road safety. The geographic location of the Slovak Republic predetermines and accentuates the importance of transit transport in the west-east and north-south directions. [..] Read more
TUBIS Agnieszka A. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw, Poland, EU,,
Co-authors: ŻUREK Arkadiusz
Abstract: In logistics processes, we are currently observing trends related to reducing people's work in favor of the implementation of automated systems. It is influenced by the changes in the organization's environment and enterprises. [..] Read more
BESTA Petr VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU,
Co-authors: MARTÍNEK Zdeněk DRASTICH Adam
Abstract: Manufacturing companies are under great pressure in the current highly competitive environment. High customer demands as well as pressure from the competition are forcing companies to streamline all their processes. [..] Read more
GIEL Robert Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: DĄBROWSKA Alicja
Abstract: Increasing global competition drives the need to meet new customer demands, which leads to significant changes in modern industry. In this context, the rapid development of Industry 4.0 over recent years has been observed. [..] Read more
FABIANOVA Jana Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies, Kosice, Slovakia, EU,,
Co-authors: MIKUSOVA Nikoleta MICHALIK Peter
Abstract: Individual car transport in large cities causes congestion, parking problems, and overall difficulty in urban logistics. There is a big problem finding a parking space in city centres, especially near offices and institutions. [..] Read more
GIEL Robert Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, EU,,
Abstract: The paper discusses the problem of pallet identification accuracy in the context of material handling process automation. The need to ensure the correctness and efficiency of the internal transport process performance has caused the necessity for developing solutions that can correctly identify the pallet's position by an autonomous mobile robot (AMR). [..] Read more
GRABOWSKA Sandra Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, Katowice, Poland, EU,
Abstract: Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution means not only technological changes, but also social and industrial changes caused by the digital transformation of industry. These changes create a new environment for the functioning of enterprises and, to a different extent, influence the shaping of contemporary challenges for companies. [..] Read more
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