CLC - Carpathian Logistics Congress

Conference Proceedings - CLC 2023

CLC 2023 - Carpathian Logistics Congress
November 8 - 10, 2023 / Wellness Hotel Step, Prague, Czech Republic, EU
ISSN: 2694-9318
ISBN: 978-80-88365-17-4
Published: 2024


The 11th Carpathian Logistics Congress CLC 2023 took place in Prague (Czech Republic) on November 8 - 10, 2023. The congress was organised by Škoda Auto University in cooperation with Technical University of Košice, AGH University of Krakow and other important partners. More than 90 participants from 9 countries listened to 32 lectures and viewed 29 posters.

We were pleased that Škoda Logistics was again the main partner of the CLC Congress hosted in the Czech Republic.

The congress was opened with an online lecture by Prof. Thomas Wimmer from Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e.V. (Germany). He dedicated his lecture to current trends and challenges in supply chain management. The following plenary lecture was given by Dr. Michal Demečko from Škoda Auto (Czech Republic). This lecture dealt with the transition from engine to battery production (automation of logistics processes in battery production). In the third lecture, Prof. Ingo Gestring from HTW Dresden University of Applied Sciences (Germany), addressed the question: will the new german supply chain act save the world? Impressions from different countries. The last plenary lecture was given by Prof. Agnieszka Tubis from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland), where she introduced the operational risk in Logistics 4.0 systems.

However, the thematic scope of the lectures at the conference was traditionally much broader. Researchers presented innovations not only in supply chain management (SCM), strategy and planning, suitanable logistics processes or advanced logistics technologies, but also in AI-based logistics application or challenges of artificial intelligence in Logistics and SCM.

Friday's programme was devoted to the topic of artificial intelligence, with three invited lectures on Challenges of AI in Logistics presented by experts from Brno University of Technoly, ADASTRA and Škoda Auto. For pre-registered participants there was also a practical workshop by Prof. Thomas Liebetruth from the University of Applied Sciences (Germany) dedicated to AI in a daily work with practical demonstrations and a subsequent panel discussion with experts in this field with the participation of a virtual expert.

The prize for the best poster has been awarded to Jakub Kovalčík from Technical University of Košice (Slovakia). In his poster he presented the Possibilities of Building Robotic Workplaces with the Help of Educational Robots. Also, two honorable mentions have been awarded to Norbert Chamier- Gliszczyński, Adam Wyszomirski, Marcin Olkiewicz and Joanna Dyczkowska from Koszalin University of Technology (Poland) and to David Staš and his colleague Tomáš Malčic from Škoda Auto University (Czech Republic).

On Thursday afternoon, congress participants had the opportunity to visit the Škoda Auto plant and take part in an excursion of top-class solutions in Škoda Logistics.

The next 12th CLC Congress will be held in 2024 in Krakow (Poland).


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Co-authors: PETŘÍK Theodor
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TURI Attila
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POLLÁK František University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business Management, Bratislava, Slovakia, EU,,,,
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STANIUK Wiesław Uniwersytet Pomorski w Słupsku, Słupsk, Polska, EU,
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ZAPLETAL František VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU,
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KOMAN Gabriel University of Žilina, Faculty of management science and informatics, Žilina, Slovak Republic, EU,,
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KALETA Jacek Samat Polska sp. z o.o., ul. Opolska 18, 31-323 Kraków, Poland, EU,
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FÁBRY Jan Škoda Auto University, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic, EU,,
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HVĚZDOVÁ Gabriela ,2,3University of Pardubice, Faculty of chemical technology, Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU,,,
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BRADÁČ Josef , 2, 3 ,4, 5, 6 Škoda Auto University, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic, EU,,,,,,
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DEREŃ Klaudia CASUS – Center for Advanced Systems Understanding, Autonomous Systems Division, Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) section, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. (HZDR), Görlitz, Germany, EU, ,
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ŠPIRKOVÁ Simona Technical University of Košice, Institute of Logistics and Transportation, Košice, Slovakia, EU,,
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PAVLOV Nikola University of Belgrade - Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia,,,
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FOLTA Martin , 2 Škoda Auto University, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic, EU,,
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SAWICKI Piotr Poznań University of Technology, Poznań, Poland, EU,,
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Abstract: In domestic road operations, the demand for increased efficiency and performance is on the rise. To enhance operational efficiency and minimize costs, it becomes crucial to generate dynamic pricing for routes through digital media. [..] Read more
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