from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
The paper is aimed on appraisal of influence of preceding deformation on spring steel CCT diagrams, which were created on the basis on dilatometric analyses of cooling curves, using universal plastometer Gleeble 3800, CCT and DCCT diagrams after austenitisation at the temperature of 850 °C, which were further supported by metallographic analyses and hardness measurements HV30. Dilatometric tests were performed at different cooling rates in the range from 0.16 to 12 °C/s. The diagrams prepared in this way were compared with the diagrams computed numerically by the specialised software QTSteel under the same conditions. The comparison of the experimentally obtained diagrams with the numerically computed ones confirms irreplaceability of physical experiments due to big differences between reality and numerically computed diagrams. The influence of preceding deformation on anisothermal disintegration of austenite was manifested at each phase transformation, but in case of pearlitic transformation it was the most outstanding due to significant acceleration.
Keywords: Spring steel 51CrV4, dilatometric tests, CCT and DCCT diagrams, plastometer Gleeble 3800© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.