from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
Aluminum and magnesium are young metals in comparison to lead or iron but today commonly used. Their production is constantly growing. This is due to their universal application, eg. in aircraft industry, automotive industry, pharmaceutics, electric and engineering industry, packaging. To the main producers of these metals belong: China, Russia, Canada and Israel. The amount of aluminum and magnesium production in the last 24 years has been presented also considering the changes that occurred in the main producers. The changes of magnesium production from electrolytic method to silicothermic reduction (e.g. Pidgeon method) have also been shown. Basic information concerning obtaining aluminum from ores by the Bayern method and electrolysis of alumina as well as receiving it from scrap via recycling has been given. The essential dangers for the environment have been pointed out as well as the perspectives of further aluminum and magnesium production.
Keywords: Magnesium, aluminum, production, electrolysis, recovery© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.