from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
Since the discovery, metallic glasses (MS) and bulk metallic glasses (BMG - metallic glasses with a minimum diameter of 1 mm) have opened up a novel engineering field in the world of metallic materials. These types of glassy metals with good glass forming ability have excellent mechanical, magnetic and corrosion resistance properties, that are dissimilar to properties of conventional crystalline materials. Particularly, Cu - based BMG have attracted much attention due to their excellent mechanical properties, exhibiting compressive strength of over 2200 MPa and great ductility values (up to 18 % for Cu47,5Zr47,5Al5 at.% at room temperature) coupled to large critical casting thicknesses (up to 12 mm for Cu42Zr42Ag8Al8 at.%). Conical ingot of the composition of Cu60Zr30Ti10 at.% of diameter 1 - 5 mm was prepared by suction casting method at the Institute of Materials Research in Košice. In order to investigate critical casting thickness of the alloy, conical shape ingot was transmitted by monochromatic synchrotron radiation of the wavelength of 0.020671 nm (59.9799 keV) and X-ray diffraction patterns were recorded by 2D detector. Passing from the amorphous to crystalline part of sample, critical casting thickness (CCT) was determined as largest diameter, where the structure remains still amorphous. In order to demonstrate the difference between the amorphous and crystalline state of the same alloy, ingots of critical (ø ~ CCT), subcritical (ø < CCT) and supercritical (ø > CCT) diameters were cast. Compression test was performed and strength of the materials was compared.
Keywords: metallic glasses, BMG, Cu60Zr30Ti10, critical casting thickness, synchrotron radiation© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.